"We love the horse first and the sport second.“
With our equestrian sport, we bear an even greater responsibility than in any other sport. This is because we are also responsible for the welfare and integrity of another living being, our partner, the horse. To ensure this, the FEIF has drawn up a detailed set of rules (based on the FEI regulations), which define ethical principles and binding rules for sporting and breeding events.
In addition, we put a lot of heart and soul into training and further education in order to do our horses ever better justice. Because first and foremost we love our horse, our partner, our teacher and companion. Regardless of how we integrate the horse into our lives; as a family member, service provider, breeding or sport horse - horses enrich our lives and our culture and we want to enrich theirs.

What would we like to see at the 2025 World Cup?
beautiful rides
happy horses
sporty riders
fair competition
interaction in harmony
healthy top performances

How do we guarantee this?
Comprehensive FEIF rules and regulations governing equipment and horse handling
"Fit to compete" check of all horses
Equipment check of all participants
Doping check of horse and rider
Judges can use cards (red, yellow, blue) to reprimand unsightly riding and even exclude participants from the competition
Judges control the warm-up
There is no prize money to be won